Fallout: Winter of Atom
Winter of Atom
The artwork was provided, however I created the type and added Fallout items to create a pattern.
Fallout: The Roleplaying Game returns to the Commonwealth in Winter of Atom. Winter of Atom builds on the foundation of the tabletop system, providing tons of lore and encounters in the post-apocalyptic society built around Boston. There’s a war brewing in the Commonwealth, and it’s up to your plucky gang of heroes to save the day — or seize power for themselves.
Winter of Atom is the largest campaign to date with a layout consisting of 250 pages, including unique maps and new player sheets that needed to be created. Artwork was provided but the rest of the cover was created by me. Additionally everything had to be approved by Bethesda including the cover, not an easy feat. Thankfully I rolled a nat 20 and it was approved on the first round.
Map creation
I created a map using the Fallout style as a basis. A very basic outline was provided, however this is the first map created for the Fallout RPG.